When do we ride?
Our schedule for mountain biking is subject to the prevailing weather conditions and follows the biking season as defined by Opening Day at the Fells (hosted by NEMBA) and the Turkey Burner event held the day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 25th). Out of season riding will continue as the weather and trail conditions permit and may not be on a regular schedule. Always check your email before heading out or give me a call.
“Pedal to the Metal” Tuesdays
Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm*– 8:00 pm (light permitting) alternating between Russell Mill in Chelmsford and Landlocked Forest in Lexington. Fall rides are the same.
“Easy Rider” Thursdays
Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm*– 8:00 pm (light permitting) alternating between Billerica State Forest and Great Brook Farm in Carlisle. Fall rides continue only at Billerica State Forest, since they allow night riding.
“Great Escape” Saturdays
Saturday mornings with start times between 9:00-10:00 am until 12:00-1:00 at various locations, watch your email (advanced beginner, intermediate).
*We will try to circle back to the parking lot after about 30 minutes to pick up stragglers when requested.
Fall Riding
Riding continues while the weather permits and there is not an overabundance of snow on the ground. Also, several of the riders who have lights will continue riding well into the fall since they don’t need to worry about the sun setting.
Special Events
FOMBA, NEMBA rides. We will post these when we can. Rides and work days to help keep the trails in shape. FOMBA (Friends of Massabesic Association) and NEMBA (New England Mountain Bike Association) feature such rides as the Turkey Burner, NEMBA Fest and other special bike events.
There may be a last minute email in the case of a change in the weather or a scheduling conflict, so be sure to check your email prior to coming out.
Not on our email list? Email me (bigdog@gratefultread.com) with your info and I’ll put you on it right away!
See you on the trails.