Why do we ride?
We all ride for different reasons: the gear, the friendship, the weather, the exercise, or to expand the ever growing collection of bikes and broken parts hanging on your garage (or basement) wall that remind you of every jump, wheelie drop, sprint to the top, or each “yeah I finished a climb I have never finished before” climb. Riding with friends is the best – I rarely ride alone. Not because I don’t love to ride, I do. But there is something about riding with others that are passionate about riding that makes it more special, more exciting. If you don’t have someone to give you a high five after a climb or jump you never thought you would do – it’s just not the same.
Yeah, I would guess for all of us it is about the relationships, at some level or another. Here at gratefultread.com we hold one thing in common that motivates our riding – our relationship with Jesus Christ. Sure, we LOVE the drops (or some of us do!); the gut busting climbs (some of us are better at them than others); and rock gardens make the ride almost complete. But regardless of whether we take the drop, make the climb, or own the garden, we know that our hope and trust is in Christ alone. It is only when we give our lives to Him, make Him the hub that the rest of our lives turn around, that our lives come to mean something.
So whether you are a Christian or not, just looking for some meaning, or just looking to ride – come out for a ride with us. No pressure – just fun. But if you have questions – we’ll be able to answer them. Please feel free to email us at bigdog@gratefultread.com and we’ll get you more info.